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This newsletter will be published weekly on Tuesdays.


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What’s This Week’s Topic?

Pili ponders a variety of topics from relationships to faith to how to listen and communicate effectively. And much more. The topic varies from week to week as she walks this path called life.

Who is Pili?

First, about the name. Pili is short for Pililani and rhymes with Really. You may have guessed with a name like that I am from Hawaii, which is true. My family moved to Oregon when I was in high school, I graduated from Mills College in California, lived in Washington, DC for a few years, then back to Oregon, and finally settled very happily in Port Angeles, on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington. I can see Victoria, BC from my house. I was a Realtor for 30ish years and I learned a lot about people. During most of that time, I also taught real estate classes to Realtors and learned even more about people. My husband and I are both retired. I am a wife, mother, grandmother, sister, cousin, niece, friend, and woman of faith. Wherever you are on your journey, I’m glad your path has led you here.


Subscribe to Pili’s Ponderings

A weekly conversation with Pili as she shares her ponderings on a variety of topics from faith to relationships to how our brains work. This is a new journey for me and I invite you to join me as we explore and ponder.